16 tháng 2, 2011

200 American ( 2003 - USA )


A gay owner of an ad agency is nursing a broken heart and to escape his dreadful melancholy, he hires a rent boy for sex one evening. He is surprised that the guy he hires is actually decent, sweet and smart so he finds him a position in his company. He then learns that he is actually Australian and he is only hustling to raise a certain amount to obtain an American green card. On the other hand, the owner's right hand man has fallen for the hustler and vice versa, that's when the tension starts amongst those involved...

Original Title : 200 American

Director: Richard LeMay

Country: USA

Year: 2003

Genre: Drama

Runtime : 84 min.

Language : English

Cast: John-Dylan Howard, Mark Ford, Gail Herendeen, Lucy Smith, Spencer Aste , Justin Durishin, David Ros.


 DOWNLOAD ( 8 parts ) :


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